If you're looking to have a laugh with a buddy or you want something kid-friendly, this is your game.
Lego worlds video game series#
I don't think the LEGO formula needs much of a change, but certainly the common issues with the series should no longer exist. LEGO Batman: The Videogame IGN's LEGO Batman: The Videogame review (published on September 23, 2008) Score: 7.7 Verdict: LEGO Batman is good fun, but it's really just the same thing we've seen before. It's certainly not a huge leap over the LEGO Star Wars titles, and in fact still has some of that series' issues, but it's no less enthralling and certainly a fun adventure worth taking on. LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures IGN's LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures review (published on May 29, 2008) Score: 8.0 Verdict: Traveller's Tales has once again delivered an experience that boils down to smashing stuff over and over again while searching for secrets, while also managing to make that formula fun and addictive. If you've already visited this far-away snap-together galaxy, you've probably seen it all before. If you've waited until now to try Lego Star Wars, this is definitely the game to buy.
Lego worlds video game ps3#
So aside from the camera controls, not-so-snappy studs and some problems with pacing in a handful of places, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a solid game, and one of the rare titles on Xbox 360 and PS3 that the family can safely sit down together to play. At its worst, it feels a tad stagnant, and we hope TT's upcoming LEGO-based games, LEGO Batman and LEGO Indiana Jones take the idea in a fresh direction. At its best, the game is a well-polished collection of a pair of quickly-ageing gems.

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga IGN's LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga review (published on November 9, 2007) Score: 8.0 Verdict: If you were hoping that The Complete Saga would push the series into new territory, you'll be disappointed. But the bottom line is that it's a heck of a lot of fun and has a great amount of replay value beyond a single play-through.

Sure it's easy and simple, and it does get hit by the repetition bug now and again. Its violence is never scary, its humor is always funny, and its gameplay is always fun. YES NO LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy IGN's LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy review (published on September 7, 2006) Score: 8.4 Verdict: LEGO Star Wars II, like the first game, is a great entry-level title for young Star Wars fans looking to expand their videogame horizons.